Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Our Cars & Kitchen

I have forgotten to inform those who read my blog who I do not keep in frequent contact with that... Our cars are repaired!!

We took my alternator to Autozone TWICE to see if it was working. Both times we were informed that the alternator was fine and that something else was wrong with my car. Well, after Carlos spoke again with our mechanic friend he decided to go ahead and just try replacing the alternator. The issues with the car have now disappeared! It's nice to be able to drive my own car again.

The turning signals on the other car have also been repaired. It turns out that the issue there was also something that Carlos had previously checked, and it was an easy fix!

The electricity in our kitchen has no longer been giving us issues (knock on wood), and our refrigerator is working like a dream again (knock on wood).

So... Yea! :)

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