Monday, February 14, 2011

My View of Valentine's Day

Things that I do not believe:
  • Valentine's Day is not for single people.
  • Valentine's Day was created by card companies.
  • Some people are "above" Valentine's Day, or they don't need to be reminded that they love each other.
Things that I do believe:
  • Valentine's Day can be celebrated by anyone.  Celebrate the love, not only of a significant other, but of your friends and family too.
  • Valentine's Day dates back centuries before Hallmark was founded.  While the holiday is commercialized, no one is forcing you to buy cards, candy, or flowers in order to celebrate it.  Get creative and celebrate in a way that is special and/or inexpensive for you.
  • People are only "above" the holiday if they choose to be.  If that's the case, why celebrate anything, or any other holiday.  Why not take the opportunity and the time to remember and celebrate the love in your life.  If more people took more time to recognize the love in their life the world would be a happier place.
  • There is nothing wrong with not celebrating if a person chooses not to.
I grew up celebrating this holiday.  Even before romantic love ever entered the picture.  I will continue to celebrate it even if it's just in my own little way.  Today I am preparing a delicious roast for dinner.  I am wearing a pink sweater with heart jewelry.  My computer is even themed with Valentine's colors.  I went to Valentine's Tea at my church on Saturday, and I exchanged valentines with my parents.  My parents gave my husband and me some gift cards for Valentine's Day.   My husband is one of those people who views Valentine's Day as a "Hallmark Day".  We've never really had any big celebrations because of this.  However, he's open to the idea of celebration, but we still don't make a big deal out of the holiday.  We will use our gift cards soon, and will most likely consider that meal our "special Valentine's dinner".

So whatever your view on the holiday, I hope you have a great day!


1 comment:

ldupbeat said...

You sound like you looked lovely for Valentine's Day. I won't address people celebrating it or now, you know who I feel about that, but I really love your attitude, don't ever loose it :)