Saturday, November 19, 2011


So last weekend we went down to Seattle for an 11/11/11 party.  The party in itself was not nearly as cool as we were expecting.  It was supposed to be New Years Eve style, with an 11 second countdown to 11:11 on 11/11/11.  The venue was not as supportive as they led the party throwers to believe.  However, we had a great time!

We started out at a friend's apartment (he lives in a really neat building in the hub bub of it all in downtown Seattle).  We met up with people there, had some snacks and drinks, and then headed to the party.  The party ended up such that it was just like going to a bar with a DJ, nothing special.  But it was fun to be out and about and having fun with people.  We left the club, got some food, then headed back to our friends apartment.  We played games, and hung out, and stayed the night there.  The next morning we headed down to Pike Place Market and enjoyed some crepes at a French place.

This is a picture of us playing Uno after the party.  Our friend just barely moved into his apartment, and didn't have any furniture yet.

Part of the view from our friend's apartment.

His apartment patio was on a courtyard surrounded by tall buildings.  From the hallway window you could see the Puget Sound.

This was at Pike Place.  There are these men who dress up in gold or silver, and then I think they pretend to be statues...

Next year, 12/12/12 will be a great one, especially since it will be my birthday.  :)

1 comment:

ldupbeat said...

Wow, such huge buildings LOL
I think walking downtown Seatle would be cool. I had though the idea of a 11/11/11 party sounded cool. I hope we can make your 12/12/12 party!